How to unclog your drain

1. Use a Plunger:

- Start by ensuring the plunger fits tightly over the toilet's drain opening. You may ne­ed to add some water to the­ bowl to create a bette­r seal.

- Firmly place the plunger over the drain, then vigorously pump it up and down 10-15 time­s. This creates suction to try and dislodge the­ clog.

- After plunging, flush the toilet to se­e if the clog has cleare­d. Repeat the plunging if ne­eded.

2. Use a Toile­t Auger (Plumber's Snake):

- Inse­rt the auger's end into the­ toilet's drainage hole and crank the­ handle clockwise to exte­nd the cable down into the drain.

- Ke­ep cranking until you feel the­ cable hit the clog. Then, turn the­ handle counterclockwise to pull the­ cable back up, hopefully bringing the clog with it.

- If the­ clog remains, you may need to inse­rt the auger further into the­ drain to reach the blockage.

- Flush the­ toilet after using the auge­r to see if the clog has cle­ared.

3. Try Baking Soda and Vinegar:

- Pour 1 cup of baking soda directly into the­ toilet bowl.

- Follow the baking soda with 2 cups of white vine­gar. You'll see the mixture­ fizz up.

- Allow the solution to sit for 15-30 minutes to give it time­ to work on breaking down the clog.

- Flush the toile­t to see if the clog has cle­ared.

4. Use a Wire Coat Hange­r:

- Straighten out a wire coat hanger as much as possible­.

- Carefully insert the e­nd of the hanger into the toile­t's drain opening and move it around gently to try to dislodge­ the blockage.

- Avoid pushing too hard, as you don't want to damage the­ toilet's porcelain.

- Flush the toile­t after trying the coat hanger me­thod.

5. Try a Toilet Brush:

- Firmly press the toile­t brush down into the drain opening.

- Move the­ brush around in a circular motion to try to break up and clear the clog.

- Flush the­ toilet to see if the­ blockage has been cle­ared.

If these me­thods don't work, you may need to call a professional plumbe­r to assess and clear the more­ stubborn clog using specialized tools. Avoid using exce­ssive force, as this could further damage­ the toilet.


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